The First Half of the 2024 NRV Real Estate Market

By now, the Nest Market Report for the first half of 2024 has hit mailboxes and inboxes far and wide, and for the first time in seemingly forever we’re seeing what might be considered a more “normal” market.

Edit – who knows what normal means anymore, but it’s not weird.

The Nest Market Report is our biannual look at the data behind the real estate market in the New River Valley. It may seem to you that homes are selling faster than they are, but what’s the data say? Is Radford seeing more listings than this time last year? Are Christiansburg townhomes selling for more or less than they were? Let’s look at the data.

It’s an unedited, honest look at what’s moving, what’s stalled, and what’s slowing down. Want your own copy? Let us know and we’ll make sure to get you one.

What are your thoughts? What you expected?

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