And The Jott Goes To …

Sounds like it should be an award, doesn’t it?  I’m a sucker for technology and drool over the latest gadgets, not ’cause I need them but just ’cause I want them!  When I read this on Sellsius I thought it might be helpful for not only real estate, but just life in general.  I’m always typing an email to myself when I’m out in the car – I think of something, need a reminder and so I send myself an email.  It’s a working system, but not necessarily the safest … my wife’s been reminding me of that for some time, and she’s right.

But now there’s Jott.  Just call the 800-number and send yourself an email via a phone call.  Jott converts 15-seconds of voicemail to text, then emails you the text … OR, you can send to another person, or group of persons, in an email or SMS message.  Of course, with the big cell conglomerates increasing their SMS charges, you might want to just consider an email.

But I’ve found Jott to be very useful already.  Try it out – it’s completely free.

4 thoughts on “And The Jott Goes To …

  1. Marty Martin

    I use Jott daily when I’m driving in the car and a great idea comes to mind or I get off the phone with a customer and need a reminder of the conversation. There’s even a way to incorporate Jott with your gmail account to create a task list! The uses are very flexible!

  2. Marty Martin

    I use Jott daily when I’m driving in the car and a great idea comes to mind or I get off the phone with a customer and need a reminder of the conversation. There’s even a way to incorporate Jott with your gmail account to create a task list! The uses are very flexible!

  3. Jim Duncan

    Jott is mighty useful; I’ve used it a couple of times and it’s been quite a lifesaver. The quantity of free tools out there is almost too much to keep up with!

  4. Jim Duncan

    Jott is mighty useful; I’ve used it a couple of times and it’s been quite a lifesaver. The quantity of free tools out there is almost too much to keep up with!

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