Dance Like A Boy Band Member

I realize I’ve been on a YouTube kick with the posts lately.  I mean, Simon Cowell made it on the blog.  So did the Redskins’ Mike Sellers.  Oh yea, then there was – and I’m not proud of this – VANILLA ICE.  (Well, Jim Carrey as Vanilla Ice).  After I posted one or two videos, readers started sending me more.  I haven’t posted all of them, but this one made me giggle … yea, I said it … I giggled.  Watch the video, you’ll see why.  Jaclyn, I think you’ll enjoy this one – aren’t  you a 98 Degrees fan?  🙂

2 thoughts on “Dance Like A Boy Band Member

  1. Jaclyn

    Ok, I have to set a few things straight…
    First of all, this was a Backstreet Boys song. And yes, I love all boy bands, but not equally. I went to a free 98 degrees concert with your wife back in the day, but NSync is the only one I actually spent money on!

  2. Jaclyn

    Ok, I have to set a few things straight…
    First of all, this was a Backstreet Boys song. And yes, I love all boy bands, but not equally. I went to a free 98 degrees concert with your wife back in the day, but NSync is the only one I actually spent money on!

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