I’m late to this information – like, TWO MONTHS late – but that’s okay … the news as it relates to jobs in the Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford area is still good.
As announced December 21st on MSN Money, the Blacksburg/Christiansburg/Radford area of Virginia was the number two ranked city (Blacksburg and Christiansburg are both towns, but you get the idea) in the country for adding jobs in 2012.
Let that sink in – more jobs were created, by percentage increase, in only one place elsewhere in the country than the New River Valley, which saw a 7.17% increase in 2012.
Think the Roanoke-Blacksburg Technology Council isn’t all over that news? Think other employers should be, as well?
Looking for a great place to live, with jobs available? I think I might know of one.