Blacksburg moves forward on Black House – from

BLACKSBURG — Town council keyed in on future projects and agreements during Tuesday’s meeting, the first of 2011.

The $2 million Alexander Black House restoration project moved forward, as council voted unanimously to sign a $155,000 contract with Glave & Holmes Architecture.

Conceptual design has been completed for the project, and council’s vote allows the firm to join the restoration effort.

Plans are to fund the restoration from a general obligation bond.

Of the $2 million in planned expenditures, 75 percent is to be raised privately by the Blacksburg Museum and Cultural Foundation.

The $1.5 million from the museum will go toward repayment of that bond. Museum Administrator Terry Nicholson said the fundraising efforts are in the silent phase at this point, but plans are to make an announcement in March.

It’s about time!

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