Top 10 Things To Expect In The Housing Market

It’s not a Letterman Top 10 list, but could I get a drumroll please?Letterman

Thank you.

From comes their “Top 10 Things To Expect in the Housing Market in 2009” list.  #5 might be the
most important, in my opinion.

  1. Continued market adjustments – With home prices in some markets having reached astronomical levels, it
    was inevitable a reset button be pushed. Sellers will continue to be
    challenged in 2009 as the inflated pricing of years past adjusts to
    normal levels. With banks and builders willing to slash prices to sell
    a backlog of foreclosures and new homes, individual sellers will have
    to price their homes competitively.
  2. Action from the Obama administration – President-elect Barack Obama’s plan to help the housing sector includes
    a 10 percent mortgage tax credit for homeowners who don’t itemize their
    taxes and a crackdown on abusive lending practices.
  3. More assistance programs for homeowners in danger of foreclosure – While the federal government is attempting to reduce foreclosures, a
    report released by the Joint Economic Committee predicts 2 million
    foreclosures in 2009. Homeowners who are at risk should take steps to
    avoid foreclosure.
  4. Some calm to the chaos of the banks’ restructuring – This should cause loan modifications and short sales to get easier, and
    it will also (eventually) decrease the number of bank-owned properties
    on the market.
  5. Thorough reviews of mortgage applications – Before the subprime mortgage debacle, you didn’t have to prove you
    could afford to borrow $200,000 for a home and you didn’t need a down
    payment. Those days of sketchy lending practices are gone. Lenders now
    require potential borrowers to provide extensive income and expense
    documentation. Homebuyers with the best credit will get the lowest
    interest rates. Take steps now to get your finances in order and boost
    your credit score.
  6. Low prices and low interest rates – 2009 could be the time for reluctant homebuyers to act, as this is
    perhaps the last year of the best buying opportunity in recorded
    economic history.
  7. Cool tech tricks and tools for the real estate obsessed – As homebuyers turn to the Web more and more for their real estate
    needs, video, webcasts and mobile search tools are becoming more
    prevalent. Sellers should consider using these cutting-edge tools to
    make their homes stand out.
  8. Wiser consumers – After facing this foreclosure crisis, buyers, sellers, real estate
    agents and even tenants will have a deeper understanding of real
    estate, mortgage and credit, which they can use to make better
    decisions and be more self-protective in the future.
  9. Leaner, greener homebuying – Across the board, homebuying is becoming more eco-friendly, from
    transactions being conducted digitally to buyers opting for smaller
    homes within walking distance of school and work.
  10. An increase in consumer confidence – As the year goes on and we near the projected end of the recession,
    sellers can breathe a sigh of relief as buyers regain confidence in the

Well … we’ve got a year to see what comes true.

4 thoughts on “Top 10 Things To Expect In The Housing Market

  1. Jeremy Hart

    Thanks, Condos in Toronto, for the Canadian-perspective. I’ll be watching our market closely, as always … there’s plenty to be grateful for here, we’ve avoided all of the major hits so far. Minor layoffs, typically support staff, and very few foreclosures. Knock on wood, I think we’ll see foreclosures climb A BIT if people do not refinance, but truthfully who’s crystal ball really shows the whole picture?

  2. Jeremy Hart

    Thanks, Condos in Toronto, for the Canadian-perspective. I’ll be watching our market closely, as always … there’s plenty to be grateful for here, we’ve avoided all of the major hits so far. Minor layoffs, typically support staff, and very few foreclosures. Knock on wood, I think we’ll see foreclosures climb A BIT if people do not refinance, but truthfully who’s crystal ball really shows the whole picture?

  3. condos in Toronto

    I hope this years will bring a big change. But I am not sure if it will be positive change. With new regulations, possible bailouts (commercial real estate?) and all other things – I am afraid your market will be slowed down in long term. And since we had 45% sales drop here in Toronto in December, we can expect our government to follow some of your precautions…
    Take care

  4. condos in Toronto

    I hope this years will bring a big change. But I am not sure if it will be positive change. With new regulations, possible bailouts (commercial real estate?) and all other things – I am afraid your market will be slowed down in long term. And since we had 45% sales drop here in Toronto in December, we can expect our government to follow some of your precautions…
    Take care

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