How Do You Decorate for Christmas?

Christmas decorations
How do you decorate your home for the holidays?  Do you even decorate at all?

My wife and I were out in Blacksburg the other night and came across a house that – let's say they REALLY get into the Christmas spirit.  We call them "Ho-Ho Houses" …Clark Griswold
you know, the homes that'd give Clark Griswald a run for his Christmas bonus money.  I didn't have my camera with me, but I'll snap a photo next time I'm over that way. 

I started wondering how other people decorate their home for the holidays.  I know I've seen several people talk online about how decorating the house reallyhlp them get int the mood of Christmas, and I wonder how you decorate your house?  Are you a garland-and-lights, simple and classic decorator, or do you go all out – the more lights and candy canes and dancing Santas the better? 

Post your style in the comments below, and feel free to post a link to pictures if you'd like.  In a few days, I'll post pictures of some of the things Natalie and I have done this year.

Happy Holidays.

6 thoughts on “How Do You Decorate for Christmas?

  1. Jeremy Hart

    Jason – 20-30 THOUSAND lights? I can’t even imagine what that looks like! Please remember to send in a picture of that next year, or better yet, a video of it all in action. 30k lights? Computer controls, sync’d to music? Sheesh.
    Katy – thanks for sending in the picture of the ornaments, I”ll post that this weekend. It’s a good idea – they’re really cool, and they don’t take up any room in storage. When you have to move, this is a great alternative … have you ever thought about selling them? You really should.

  2. Jeremy Hart

    Jason – 20-30 THOUSAND lights? I can’t even imagine what that looks like! Please remember to send in a picture of that next year, or better yet, a video of it all in action. 30k lights? Computer controls, sync’d to music? Sheesh.
    Katy – thanks for sending in the picture of the ornaments, I”ll post that this weekend. It’s a good idea – they’re really cool, and they don’t take up any room in storage. When you have to move, this is a great alternative … have you ever thought about selling them? You really should.

  3. Katy

    We used to move constantly, so I painted my own Christmas ornaments on circles of heavy watercolor paper. All my decorations fit in one little margerine tub. We’re still using them even though our nomadic lifestyle ended when I retired and we moved to Radford, the beautiful New River City!

  4. Katy

    We used to move constantly, so I painted my own Christmas ornaments on circles of heavy watercolor paper. All my decorations fit in one little margerine tub. We’re still using them even though our nomadic lifestyle ended when I retired and we moved to Radford, the beautiful New River City!

  5. Jason Emerick

    Well I didn’t get around to it this year because I just didn’t have time, but I usually put up any where from 20,000 to 30,000 lights on my parents house.
    I have all the parts to make it a computer controlled display, just have to find time to solder and wire up the controllers and sync it all to music. I plan on having it all ready to go for next Christmas though.

  6. Jason Emerick

    Well I didn’t get around to it this year because I just didn’t have time, but I usually put up any where from 20,000 to 30,000 lights on my parents house.
    I have all the parts to make it a computer controlled display, just have to find time to solder and wire up the controllers and sync it all to music. I plan on having it all ready to go for next Christmas though.

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