I’m In A Historic District? Now What?

From the Town of Blacksburg:

"For many homeowners within the boundaries of a  historic district, it means wondering why they cannot make alterations to their own property without getting “permission” from an architectural review board or historic commission.   Where do these boards get their authority anyway?  What about those people considering buying a property in a historic district?  What are the obligations of the real estate agent to disclose the fact that the listing is in a historic district?  Are there opportunities, such as tax credits, available to property owners in historic districts, and if so, where does one go for assistance?

All of these questions and more will be answered during the workshop; What it Means to be in a Historic District:  A Primer for Property Owners, Real Estate Professionals and Architectural Review Board Members. APVA Preservation Virginia, the Virginia Department of Historic Resources and the Town of Blacksburg have partnered to offer the workshop from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Friday, May 2, 2008 in Blacksburg.  The workshop will be held at the Blacksburg Municipal Building, 300 South Main Street.  The program is free and open to the public.  Due to limited seating, RSVP’s  are recommended.  For additional information or to register, e-mail Terry Nicholson, Town of Blacksburg Museum Administrator at museum@blacksburg.gov or call

Hope I’ll see you there!  As a precursor to the meeting, there will be an open forum the day prior from 4pm – 7pm in the Kent Square Lobby to discuss ways to Identify, Educate, Preserve, and Develop the Sixteen Squares of Blacksburg.  Attendance is free to both events.

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