More Changes Around The Blog

A few more changes around the blog this week, as we changed the theme a little bit and made some other, smaller and less noticeable changes.  One thing you MIGHT have noticed, however, was the badge down on theGreen
side that says "This Is A Green Web Site".  What’s that all about???

This badge constantly updates, and shows just how much CO2 NRVLiving readers are using … that’s your carbon footprint.  Specifically, the electricity that’s produced so that you can read this blog produces carbon emissions, which is called your carbon footprint.  I was inspired by Lani Anglin in Austin, who has committed to purchasing a tree for every five pounds of CO2 created by site traffic. 

Now, Lani has a great solution – but I don’t know of any companies in our area who go about planting trees to counteract carbon emissions.  Saving the earth is a great cause, but I’m going to take it a little more local.  If you’ve read this blog for any period of time you know that we support the Valley Interfaith Child Care Center in a variety of ways, including individual donations AND our NRVLiving Store (where all profits go to support VICCC).  So, going on the theme of site traffic, NRVLiving will donate $10 to VICCC for every five pounds of CO2 created by visiting this blog. 

I’ve been watching the numbers rise gradually over the last few days since I installed the meter so this shouldn’t be hard, folks.  Supporting the mission of causes like VICCC goes a long way to providing communities that we can continue to be proud of.  Tell your friends, tell your family and give them this address –   Help us help VICCC continue to give our  kids an environment in which they can grow up safe and sound. 

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