Tag Archives: Sarah Cox

“Around The Property” – By Sarah Cox, The Roanoke Times 12/20/09

Sarah Cox of The Roanoke Times recently did a piece reflecting on the real estate market in 2009 – it looks like it’s going to be a multi-part story, below is copy of the first part.  Images embedded are my own, taken from the Virginia Employment Commission website. Read More

The Truth About The First-Time Homebuyer Credit

2944582909_ea72da6441A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak with friend of the blog Sarah Cox of The Roanoke Times about the First-Time Homebuyer Tax Credit.  We wanted to clear up some of the confusion about the credit, and Sarah posted a piece in The Roanoke Times today about it (seriously, RT, can we get this section of the paper online?).  Here’s a reprint (links are mine), as well as a follow-up at the end now that even more details have changed. Read More