Author Archives: Jeremy Hart

All The Best for Steve and Aaron!

Last week I mentioned that there had been a lot going on at NRVLiving Real Estate these past few weeks, and it’s true – we were writing offers up to December 31st, so there was a lot to be done to prepare for closings scheduled in 2009.  Adding to the craziness were my two trips out of town, back to back, to some amazing conferences that I’ve shared some about and hope to continue to do so throughout the year. Read More

Paying Through The Nose?

Wet nose on Flickr - Photo Sharing!It’s freakin’ cold outside, have you noticed?  Of course you have … have you noticed your heat bill lately, coincidentally?  Likely a good bit different than previous months, I’d bet.  I know we got our December gas bill and immediately turned the thermostat down a few degrees.  THAT bill was a cold dose of reality!  I’ve heard stories of folks around the New River Valley with heating bills hundreds of dollars higher than they’ve been in the past!  Seems like everything – oil, natural gas, and electric – seems to be going up in price. Read More

I’m Taking Real Estate On The Road

Tiny House
The blog has been quiet for a while, and I’ll talk more about why when I return from a couple of trips I need to take.  I’m hitting the road for the next several days – first at a conference in NYC discussing (among other things) the evolving relationship of technology and real estate, and then at the first module of a Virginia Association of REALTORs group I’m participating in this year.  Both are incredible learning opportunities for me, and I’ll be taking tons of notes to come back and apply to real estate here in the New River Valley. Read More