Dusting Off The Keyboard … Again.

Yesterday I had the honor of being installed as the 2019 President of the New River Valley Association of Realtors. I woke up this morning feeling … well, feeling just like I did yesterday. Fame and fortune are sure to follow though, I’m sure. That’s not the point of this post, however. Association leadership was never something I truly desired. What I wanted was for Nest Realty to have a voice in the discussions surrounding the issues of our industry, and to set the example for others that there’s value in having a seat at the table. I might have overshot that a little bit, but I’m happy to represent the nearly 500 members, and affiliate members, for the next year.

During the ceremony, it was mentioned that this little real estate blog was one of the early sites talking about real estate way back in the Dark Ages of the internet. To be fair, I was simply copying the examples set by guys like Jim Duncan and Todd Carpenter, but no one in the New River Valley was talking about real estate online yet, so in I stepped. As a newer agent, writing helped me understand the market influences I was seeing, it helped me share what I was learning with others, and it created a community of sorts. It brought some clients and, more importantly, some friends.

But life happens. A lot of it was good. Some of it was bad. I started a recycling business. Switched real estate companies. Got a divorce. Sold a recycling company. Bought a real estate company. Remarried. Had a beautiful baby girl. There was a bunch of other stuff in between. And at some point, writing about real estate in the New River Valley took a back seat to a host of other things. Yesterday I was reminded of how much I enjoyed this little outlet of mine, and I’d like to think at least two or three of you enjoyed it, as well.

So this is my manifesto, of sorts. I’m dusting off the keyboard, blocking some time in my calendar on a weekly basis, and getting back to something I’ve enjoyed for a long time. Whether anyone still reads it or not, it’s cathartic for me, at least. But, maybe, if you’re still out there – maybe, from time to time, let me know you’re still there?

One thought on “Dusting Off The Keyboard … Again.

  1. Mona Pittman

    Welcome Back! We’ve missed you! and Congrats – you’ll make a great leader in this industry.

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