Go Blue – Get a T-shirt

I’m feeling blue.

But really, I did it for the t-shirt:

So what’s it all about, right?

We at Coldwell Banker Townside wanted to hear what people were saying about us.  Scary, perhaps, but we were willing to take the chance.  And our awesome marketing team of Kelsey and Caroline, never above bribing, decided that in order to get people to participate that we’d “tempt” you with a free t-shirt.

Hey, it’s a quality t-shirt!

It’s pretty easy to participate, actually – just head to Go Blue and tell us why you want to Go Blue for Coldwell Banker Townside.  We’ll take your testimonial – make it funny, make it serious, whatever you want – and we’ll put it on our Facebook page, along with a picture of you in your t-shirt!  Not in the area? No problem – just send us a picture of you in our awesome Go Blue t-shirt and we’ll post it for you!

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