Using Siri on the iPhone

iPhone 5A completely different kind of post for a Blacksburg real estate site.

If you know me, at all, you probably know that I love my iPhone. It’s never far from my person, and I use it constantly – pictures, Twitter, Facebook, email, and oh yea, to make phone calls too. I’ve used it to sign contracts, I use it to open lockboxes … I even use it as a flashlight.

Jeremy Sketchy StevenAnd Sketchy Steven even caught me walking downtown one day and sketched me, with the ever-present iPhone right in my face. Caught in the act.

It might be is a little bit of a problem. And the truth is, I’m not alone. Some of you are reading this post on your iPhone right now, in fact – I know, because I look at the analytics. (thank you, technology).

So when I saw a friend post a bunch of Siri commands online the other day, I knew I had to repost her list. I mean, Siri has got to be one of the greatest inventions ever, everyone needs to know how to use her! Tell Siri to set an appointment? Boom. Ask Siri to remind you to make a phone call when you leave. Bang. Want to ask Siri random questions? You never know what kind of answers you’ll get.

In truth, I use Siri for all kinds of things, like getting directions, setting reminders and to-do’s, and sending messages on a variety of different services. There’s a ton of versatility to the system, and I find it incredibly useful. If you have Siri on your iPhone but you’re not using it, I hope you’ll find it useful too – here are some commands to get you started.

Just don’t ask her to sing you a song. She’s really terrible.

Photo credit.

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