The Colosseum Wasn’t Built In One Day

And this one won't be, either.

A few days ago, I needed a break.  I had been in the office all day working on some things, and my craving for a Diet Pepsi Max (yea, I'm one of the 31 people across the nation that actually like the stuff) kicked in.  One of the many reasons I like my office is that its an easy walk to a local gas station, so I hoofed it down to pick up that invigorating cola and then headed back.

On my way back I passed the site for The Colosseum, so I snapped some photos of the excavation, you could visit Excavation Contractors CT at to learn about their excavation services; It had been a while since I had stopped in and so I thought I'd capture the moment.  Just a lot of dirt right now …

There's a lot of Blacksburg history in those layers of dirt:

Colosseum 1

Dozens of piles of dirt looking back towards South Main Street:

Colosseum 4

Someone's going to have a killer view:

Colosseum 3

4 thoughts on “The Colosseum Wasn’t Built In One Day

  1. Jeremy Hart

    That’s right, I had forgotten about that! I’ve never had Bojangles – I think that’s against the law in some areas of the south, but I’ll have to check it out.

  2. Jeremy Hart

    That’s right, I had forgotten about that! I’ve never had Bojangles – I think that’s against the law in some areas of the south, but I’ll have to check it out.

  3. John Neel

    Just a quick note. The construction at the front of the site is for the new relocated Wilco that will also have a Bojangles attached. Your walking time just got a little shorter!


  4. John Neel

    Just a quick note. The construction at the front of the site is for the new relocated Wilco that will also have a Bojangles attached. Your walking time just got a little shorter!


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