16 thoughts on “How Real Estate Works (In Today’s Market)

  1. Pam Buda

    Hi there–it is cute nifty all of the above and oh so true! Thanks for reminding us of some of the basic facts and putting stuff in perspective. Great job!

  2. Kathy T.

    I *love* this! Saw it on twitter through Real Estate Zebra and have embedded and linked to you on Shak & Jill. Fantastic (okey-dokey) job!

  3. Kathy T.

    I *love* this! Saw it on twitter through Real Estate Zebra and have embedded and linked to you on Shak & Jill. Fantastic (okey-dokey) job!

  4. Pam Buda

    Hi there–it is cute nifty all of the above and oh so true! Thanks for reminding us of some of the basic facts and putting stuff in perspective. Great job!

  5. Aaron

    I want to say this video is cute, but I don’t think cute is your thing. So, how ’bout “nifty”?

  6. Aaron

    I want to say this video is cute, but I don’t think cute is your thing. So, how ’bout “nifty”?

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