Kwikset’s SmartKey – The End To LockBumping?

It’s just been announced that Kwikset has come out with a SmartKey, supposedly eliminating Lock Bumping as we know it.  At least, that’s according to them.  I’ve written about lock bumping before, and truthfully had never really known it was a problem. 

I’m thinking about putting the SmartKey on my new home, though.  If I do, I’ll give you a report on whether or not I’ve been impressed.

4 thoughts on “Kwikset’s SmartKey – The End To LockBumping?

  1. Marty Martin

    I really wonder how effective against lock bumping it would be. The photo of the key looks like a regular cut key. I guess they’re claiming the innards are the protection but from a marketing stand point you think they would’ve made that photo bigger…

  2. Marty Martin

    I really wonder how effective against lock bumping it would be. The photo of the key looks like a regular cut key. I guess they’re claiming the innards are the protection but from a marketing stand point you think they would’ve made that photo bigger…

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