How Will You Adapt?

I know some folks are interested in the differences between Gen X to Gen Y to Millennials and how they all view things differently.  This is an interesting video that I came across on Matt Rathbun’s website, but I thought it an interesting depiction of what our college communities are facing  with today’s students. What are our students thinking?  What are they saying?  This class at Kansas State University is trying to tell us.

The video was sent to me because it asked the question "What will the future real estate client look like?".  But the same could be said for YOUR industry – for any industry. 

  • What will future TEACHERS look like?
  • What will future BANKERS look like?
  • What will future FILL IN THE BLANK look like?

It’s an interesting question, to look at your specific industry and ask "what will the future look like?"  And how will you adapt?  I chatted with Matt a little online this morning and he mentioned that when he first showed the video in one of his classes, some of the agents felt the video was "ageist".  They reasoned he was trying to say that if they didn’t keep up with technology, they’d soon be out of a job.  But that’s not the point.  The point is, we can’t do things the same way forever because the world around us changes – if we don’t change with it, we’re taking a very narrow-focused approach and not imagining the possibilities.

What’s your industry telling you?  And how will you respond?

Tip of the cap to Matt Rathbun (who has more acronyms behind his name than I think I’ve ever seen) for the videos and conversation.

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