“I Am A Human Being”

Img_1121I had the extraordinary opportunity last night to see Dr. Maya Angelou here at Virginia Tech.  I have to admit that I was unprepared for what to expect.  Truthfully, I knew little about her.  But I’m intrigued to learn more.

Dr. Angelou came to Virginia Tech as part of their Dr. Martin Luther King festivities; it was inspiring to hear her stories, to hear her read some of her poetry and talk about some of her experiences.  When I find a video or audio of the speech, I’ll post it here.  There’s no way that I can accurately recap her message. 

I can tell you that for me, one of the things that was as inspiring as her speech was a recitation of Dr. Martin Luther King’s "I Have A Dream" speech.  I’d never heard the entire thing – it was done by a guy named David Johnson, who – in my opinion – absolutely nailed it.  Here’s the speech as Dr. King gave it, if you’ve never heard it in its entirety.

* From WDBJ 7’s coverage

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