Blue Is The New Green

Bigimage1Think Crayola’s got a new color?  Think again.  It’s called BluWood, and it’s REALLY blue.  Don’t adjust your monitor, that’s the real color.  Manufactured by WoodSmart Solutions in Boca Raton, FL, it’s as Elizabeth Hock of the Roanoke Times writes, "It’s as much green as it is blue."

With better construction techniques and energy-efficiency in mind, homes have less air flow, thus moisture gets trapped in tight, small places and mold and mildew fester.  They love it.  But BluWood lumber goes through a treatment process that keeps mildew and mold, as well as termites, at bay, according to the manufacturer.  And they believe in their product so much, they offer a lifetime warranty of up to $6 million per house against the growth of mold or mildew.   

Capps Home Building Center in Moneta uses the product throughout the Smith Mountain Lake area, among others, and says that consumers have been all about the Blu.  But the warn that, as is the case with so many other "green" products, it ain’t cheap.  Considering that it costs 15-20% more to frame a house with BluWood, that’s not a real bargain in my book.  But if you’re interested in truly going green by going Blu, than this might be the right product.

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