3 thoughts on “Jack Bauer Knows What Can Happen In A Day

  1. Philip

    I checked out the http://www.bburg.org website. They have a google group to join. http://groups.google.com/group/blacksburg

    Now on the page where you sign up, they ask who you are and if you already know anyone on the group. I find this amusing, as many current council members ran on an open government platform, but now we have advocacy groups popping up with a closed group feel 🙂

  2. Philip

    I checked out the http://www.bburg.org website. They have a google group to join. http://groups.google.com/group/blacksburg
    Now on the page where you sign up, they ask who you are and if you already know anyone on the group. I find this amusing, as many current council members ran on an open government platform, but now we have advocacy groups popping up with a closed group feel 🙂

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